Name: Bernard Pearson
Known Aliases: The Cunning Artificer
Appearance: Bearded and pipe-wielding
Previous Crimes: Did knowingly produce and supply highly addictive products (to whit, stamps)
Wanted for: Amusing (and frequent) reminiscences
This devious being was born "The Cunning Artificer" and possesses the power to forge magical and mystical objects that should only belong on the Disc. Some say they possess the power to entrance most honest people, and relieve them of their wits (and their hard earned cash). After he crossed over to Roundworld, he realised he had to use our currencies to gain power, so he sold his smuggled wares as 'Clarecraft'. Eventually, this led to the setting-up of a Discworld Emporium in Wincanton, Somerset. Still residing there today, The Cunning Artificer gets more cunning by the day, turning his abilities to the more modern of items such as postage stamps, Mappes of the exotic Disc and the most mysterious of all: The App...
Mr "Bernard Pearson" - married to the good lady Isobel - has a thunderously jolly demeanor, and while not smoking his pipe or hatching his next dastardly plot, he loves to mingle with us Roundworldians over a long and colourful chat.
But beware, good citizens, for he is not all he seems.