Name: Fergal "Monster" Mac Carthaigh
Rank: Sergeant
Species/Vital Status: Watch Person*
Department: Watch Academy (Instructor)
Special skills: Creative Problem Solving and Lateral Thinking
Watch duties: Developing trainee watch officers' ability to assess situations efficiently, quickly, and enact appropriate solutions, while simultaneously instilling and understanding and respect for the concept of rules†
Specialist subjects: Ludological Educational Simulation Devices‡
Most likely to: Be scheming to volunteer his friends for things
Originally a member of the civilian militia known as the "Specials". He was drafted into the Watch proper for showing an aptitude for finding effective solutions to exotic problems. He has since served with distinction on various previous operations, and is very excited about the up-coming Watch Open Weekend.
* Citing internal memo "Watch Diversity #993" - "You can be whatever race, gender, vital status, and so on, off duty. On duty you are an officer of the watch first and foremost, so stop mucking about"
† Fortunately for this officer, this translates into teaching and playing a wide variety of games with wonderful people
‡ Which is a fancy way of saying games, but gets past Watch Academy bureaucrats