There are many fan-run Discworld Conventions taking place regularly. If you can't make it to the Irish Discworld Convention, why not try one of these?
The International DWCon
These biennial events are the main Discworld gatherings, and are based in the UK. The next one will be held on the 26th-29th August 2016 at Chesford Grange Hotel, near Warwick.
Nullus Anxietas - The Australian Discworld Convention
"Nullus Anxietas VI: The Discworld Grand Tour" will take place on the 4th-6th August 2017 at the Lakes Resort Hotel in Adelaide.
Cabbagecon - The Dutch Discworld Convention
The fourth Cabbagecon will take place on the 1st-2nd July 2017 at the Carlton President Hotel, Maarssen, Utrecht.
Scheibenwelt Convention - The German Discworld Convention
The 5th Scheibenwelt Convention will take place on 18th-20th May 2017 at Burg Ludwigstein, Witzenhausen, Germany.
NADWCon - The North American Discworld Convention
Location and dates are yet to be finalised, but full-size NADWCons will return in 2017. The most recent Discworld-based gathering was a 'mini-NADWCon' at Sasquan (Worldcon 2015).
Polish Conventions
These happen twice a year in Nawojowa Góra, near Kraków.
The next one will be on the 22nd-24th April 2016.
Wincanton Events
These events are organised in association with the Discworld Emporium, and usually happen twice a year (Spring Fling and Hogswatch), in the town of Wincanton, UK. More information can usually be found here.
All information correct at time of uploading, please contact us if any details need updating.