Name: Siobhan Greaney
Rank: Captain
Species/Vital Status: Part troll
Department: Whimsy and Caprice
Special skills: Talking to strangers
Watch duties: Talking to strangers, sometimes about whimsy
Specialist subjects: Discworld, Harry Potter, Irish rugby
Most likely to: Be volunteered by her friends for random things
Number of times killed in werewolf: *classified*
Won at IDWCon Masquerade: Twice
Shivers has been reading Discworld books now for more than half her life. Her first convention was in 2006, and she loved every moment of scheduled and unscheduled madness. She thinks everyone in the world should experience the wonderful Irish Discworld Convention atmosphere at least once in their life. She is the chairperson for this year, much to her surprise. She’s always happy to meet new faces or volunteer blindly for things. If she seems like she's running out of crazy energy, just give her a hug, tea or chocolate for instant revival.