Name: Rob Grundy
Rank: Sergeant
Species/Vital Status: Dwarf
Department: Physics Forensics
Special skills: Drinking, coding, making things work*
Watch duties: Running the website and devising the events program
Specialist subjects: Discworld, Whiskey, Laser/Plasma astrophysics
Most likely to: Be found in the bar
Won at the IDWCon Maskerade: Twice
Despite a relatively late start to attending Discworld conventions†, Rob seems to be getting suckered in to them further and further each time. In 2010 his inner dwarf was allowed to shine and he was pipped at the post to be crowned Low King. Undeterred by this defeat, he found solace in the second Irish Discworld, where he delved headlong into the world of tech while managing to spend nearly the entire con in a suit of chainmail. This lead to him being volunteered to do the website for the 2013 Irish convention, and to be a guild deputy for the 2014 International convention‡...
After the huge success of the 2013 Irish con he decided to stay on and reprise the role of Webmaster, but also take on the challenge of organising the programme.
* In a non-tyrannical, helpful fixing kind of way
† 2008 International Discworld Convention was the first he heard of them
‡ Guild/Society to be confirmed