Name: Méabh Browne
Rank: Sergeant
Species/Vital Status: Part gargoyle*
Department: Wireless Programming Branch†
Special skills: Ukulele player, bad juggler
Watch duties: Productions
Specialist subjects: Female monsters in mythology (and how they're very probably coming to get you), cursing in Irish, and how to make your subjects ears fall off
Méabh Browne is a writer and a voice, stage and screen actor. She was introduced to the wonderful world of the Disc at the tender age of eleven, by none other than our benevolent Chairperson. That's right, she never had a chance. Her first Convention might have been in 2008, but all the details are rather hazy, and she's somewhat reluctant to admit to being there - she hears that there's still a bounty imposed. Méabh was lucky enough to have been the presenter for the Oswalds at the first Irish Discworld convention, and played the role of 'Igorina' in the once-off Rocky Horror Discworld Show. She's vaguely bemused as to how she landed a committee spot, but now that she's got it she's not bloody letting go of it.
* Do not comment if you see food on chin. If aggressively approached, will promptly flee having somehow secured all foodstuffs and alcohol in the immediate vicinity.
† Have yet to remove wires from branch, as they are currently holding it up.