Name: Kevin Hynes
Rank: Quartermaster Sergeant
Species/Vital Status: Human (100% certain, he asked his mum)
Department: Merchandise
Special skills: Is reading comic books while listening to AC/DC a skill?*
Watch duties: Exchange of Watch swag for local currency†
Specialist subjects: Sciencey stuff and playing with dangerous chemicals
Most likely to: Be smiling a lot
Having been a Discworld fan since the last century, Kevin was amazed to find out there were conventions where similar like-minded people meet to act silly and drink a bit too much (just a little). Kevin can be found at the merchandise table with the lovely Rόisín, probably doing most of the work as Rόisín chats to everyone‡.
* If not, it should be, right?
† Kevin has been requested to point out that any watch items procured with offers of alcohol or food cannot be accepted (when anyone else is looking).
‡ Kevin has been requested to point out that Rόisín does do her fair share of work and in fact probably does more than Kevin. Honestly.